Industry Insights
Words of wisdom from our business insurance experts.
Experiential Marketing Agencies Build Experiences – Insurance Policies Protect Them

We understand the importance of safeguarding your marketing agency and protecting your investment as a startup or growing business. Cash can be tight, but business insurance is a necessary tool to ensure your experiential marketing agency can grow and maintain business development. From small conference, to large concerts or VR/AR activations, the insurance protecting your customers, employees, and property is essential.
Let’s take a look at a possible scenario that can occur with a client.
You’ve signed a new client whose scope includes creating an installation for a premiere and requires building an unforgettable experience that will be propelled across social media. At the event, one of your workers damaged the rental space and the client decides to seek compensation from your agency for damages.
Can your marketing agency afford the legal fees and settlement terms?
This question will become a moot point, if you have the right insurance policies in place, like an General Liability insurance policy. A General Liability policy, or GL policy, can pay for your damages and defense costs against the claim made. And this particular policy will cover your lawyer fees and penalty costs.
Let's go over additional business insurance policies our team of advisors always recommend for our clients who are in the experiential marketing agency industry:
- Errors and Omissions Insurance: this policy covers lawsuits that stem from mistakes, like the scenario we mentioned earlier. It can pay for legal fees. It protects your agency from missed deadlines, failure to produce promised results, and more specifically, work errors.
- General Liability Insurance: this covers basic agency risks, like a client slipping while attending a meeting in your office. It protects against basic slip-and-fall accidents, damaged property, and even slander or libel lawsuits.
- Property Insurance: this policy covers all your business assets from laptops, office furniture, servers, and generally any physical asset owned by the agency.
- General Liability Insurance or Professional Liability Insurance: this policy covers claims that your agency caused, such as bodily injury, property damage to someone else's belongings. It also covers personal and advertising injury, like libel or slander.
- Workers' Compensation Insurance: this policy is required in most states (except the state of Texas) for marketing agencies with employees. It can cover medical fees and lost wages for work-related injuries.
- Cyber Liability Insurance: this policy protects your agency from data breaches and other cyber security issues. It’s best used for data breach lawsuits, client notification expenses, and fraud monitoring costs.
Fullsteam Insurance Advisor Tip: Bundle Property, Auto, and Workers Compensation with your General Liability insurance to save money.
Don’t leave your experiential marketing agency open to the risk of a potential lawsuit that can be costly for your business and damaging to your reputation. Whether your agency is a startup or tenured marketing institution, every experiential marketing agency is exposed to unforeseen risk.
Our business is protecting your business and if we can offer your marketing agency any initial, free advice it is these three guidelines.
- Contracts should be easy to understand: the insurance business is complex, and we understand that creating contracts that are simple and to the point are far more efficient and save both parties money in the long run. Our expert advice is to streamline contracts, so the terms and conditions are clear-cut and understood by both parties.
- Outline your scope of work for your client: the concise contract your agency creates for onboarding new clients should define the scope of work your agency was hired for. This will ultimately decrease your chance of being held liable for any potential risks.
- Client signoff is key: the simple task of getting your client to approve all work done by your marketing agency will lower your liability exposure. Our advice is to set up milestones in your project timeline where the client can sign off and ensure a seamless workflow.
At Fullsteam Insurance we are well versed with emerging industries. Our team works with technology startups, cannabis cultivators, and experiential marketing agencies. We use progressive technology to empower our customers, so they are protected when they need it most.
Our goal at Fullstream Insurance to help educate business owners and key decision makers about the insurance market. Our team of expert insurance advisors will clear up misconceptions regarding insurance policies, clarify loss mitigation strategies, and identify clear steps on how to set up an insurance program to protect your business.
Our dedicated insurance advisors are always a click-away to deliver world-class customer service. They understand how to manage complex risk with secure business insurance policies. We ensure our customers understand their policies by breaking down industry jargon, working with them every step of the way, and making sure they get the best coverage at the best price. When you work with Fullsteam Insurance you can always connect with your insurance advisors quickly and effortlessly, because we know time is of the essence when risk management is at stake.
Discover your trusted source for personalized business insurance policies for your experiential marketing agency that will shield your business from liability and always mitigate risk. Get the coverage you need at the price you want so you can concentrate on more important matters like fulfilling your scope of work for your clients and bringing in new business.
Let our insurance experts negotiate quality coverage, compare quotes, policy terms, and get you the most competitive pricing your business deserves. At Fullsteam Insurance we have access to the most reputable insurance carriers in the business across the nation and we can tailor any business insurance policy to fit your needs today and as your company grows. Our Fullsteam Insurance team works hard for your business with world-class customer service, cutting-edge technology, and marketing industry knowledge.
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